Wednesday, November 18, 2009

CanCeR With ScoRpiO


The crab and the scorpion share a possible friendship. Both are sensitive souls protected by a hard exterior. This forges a strong bond between the two. Both the crab and the scorpion being extremely sensitive beings feel comfortable in a commited relationship where emotions rule. Both are appreciative of each other's qualities. While the scorpion is amazed by the crab's caution and mysticism, the crab in turn is impressed by the scorpion's wisdom and passion. This mutual appreciation of each other;s qualities forges a strong relationship between the two. Meanwhile, both are also aware that they share the same tendency to snap at each other in times of stress. Both are intelligent enough to understand and be wary of such situations. In all, a great friendship.


The cancer- scorpio couple is a made for each other pair. Both are delighted to find a mate who perceives possessiveness as a virtue and faithfulness a must in a relationship. Both have strong, deep feelings and bond very intensely. They share an amazing mental and physical rapport. So much so that even in a romantic alliance they are likely to be great friends. Both are very possessive but since both perceive it as a virtue, it seals the bond between them instead of creationg friction. Both the crab and scorpion have abysmal potential for intimacy, spiritual enchancement and exploration for true love. However, there are some fundamental differences between the two too. The scorpion might very easily hurt the sensitive crab, who will find it difficult to forgive. The scorpion tends to get resentful and vindictive when hurt, while the crab sulks or cries. This may result in differences between the two. Nevertheless, the two are ideal soulmates and will most probably either solve or ignore these hurdies altogether.

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